Designed to Identify Credibility, Expertise, and Trustworthiness

The RussellCraft Tool Set was designed to capture credibility and knowledge, and to help legitimate companies who deserve to have more traffic for their products and services.

Organic Search Facts

  • Fact #1 – Most companies either hire a search marketing firm or they have an in-house search marketing person or team to oversee their website traffic.
  • Fact #2 – Most organic search campaigns do not drive enough traffic, and companies must resort to paying thousand of dollars per month in online PPC advertising.
  • Fact #3 – Companies get more traffic from organic success because most people click in the organic search results and NOT in the paid search areas.

The RussellCraft Tool Set was built around the understanding that search campaigns CAN increase traffic significantly if a company is willing to agree to a natural and non-traditional approach to SEO and how they establish their presence online.

Search Engine Rewards

The search engines were designed to help people find what they are looking for. The search engine companies customized their search algorithm to look for and reward honesty and credibility in companies. This is because factual and truthful information brings better and more accurate results, and therefore a better experience to the search engine users.

Search Engine Penalties

Unfortunately much of the SEO industry seeks to steer companies into using unnatural, dishonest, and deceptive means to establish a presence online. Unnatural link building, link exchange, unnatural blog posting, free directories, review building, social media hypes, articles and keyword rich content writing can be very deceptive and unethical methods will get discovered eventually. Whether a company is large or small the search engine filters show no partiality. Once a company is penalized it is very hard to get this removed. Most companies are penalized in many ways without even knowing it, unable to know where and how to resolve the problems.

Think About Your Company and Your Customers

The RussellCraft Tool Set increases traffic because it forces businesses to think about their company and their customers (and NOT search), and this method always increases search results. This allows companies to focus on their Web presence naturally, and not what they need to do to keep up with the the latest trends in search and the ever-changing world of the Internet.